
Different objects have different boiling points and melting points. Similarly, every person has some points where he gets angry and frustrated. 🤔

Ever noticed how a calm conversation escalates into a heated argument? Before you realize it, the room temperature seems to have exploded, your voice escalates to a roar 🗣️🔥, and your fingers 🖐️ tighten into a fist 👊  . It seems you've been hijacked by this emotion called anger. But how did it all happen so suddenly?

what happens in our bodies when we get angry?

How can we transform our anger into a source of strength? 

how exactly you can control anger?


Let's find out the truth. Comment down under the blog what part of the blog you liked the most. 

~ What happens in our bodies when we get angry? 

Anger is a quite complex emotion. When we get angry, what happens in terms of the brain is that it initiates our fight or flight response. A part of the brain called the amygdala is activated. Which signals the release of chemicals like cortisol. 

These chemicals increase our heart rate and blood pressure. Thus making us feel energetic and preparing us for some physical action. 

Frequent anger isn't good. because these chemicals also release fatty acids which can accumulate in our blood vessels. Decreasing the blood flow, thus increasing the chances of heart attack, stroke, etc. 

So this is what happens in our body. 

~ How can we transform anger into power? 

If you allow your anger to control you, it will take you down this path, but, if you're able to control your anger, it becomes a motivating force that not only increases your productivity but also multiplies your long-term success. But the question is how?🙄

Well, the answer is simpler than you might think, but there's a bad habit you need to unlearn first. Most people attempt to control their anger by denying that it exists. Whenever they experience the early stages of anger like frustration or betrayal, they stuff those feelings down and attempt to ignore them. 

The longer you deny your anger, the stronger it gets

If you want to use anger to your advantage, you need to start by identifying what anger feels like to you and why you're experiencing it in the first place. Becoming more familiar with your anger allows you to do what so many people cannot. Identify the signs of anger and Take control of your temper.

Step 1: Controlling your anger is channeling emotions into an ambitious plan. 

Step 2: turn off your brain, stop thinking, and take action. Once your plan is in place, you should focus all your energy on executing your plan instead of second-guessing or overthinking.

~ How to control our anger? 😌

Anger can be controlled because it is a state of mind. To control anger we have to identify the signs of anger. For that, we should be in the present and self-aware.
And the best activity for getting those values is meditation. If you want to learn, how exactly to meditate then click on meditation

And if you like reading short stories. Don't miss this story of a boy who is trying to do meditation in Gurukul. 
                     Short Story

Comment down your views on anger under this blog. I hope I delivered the truth to you. 


"Don't give attention to the things that take power away from you"

Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon!


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