Mental Health - Journey To Inner Peace

As you guys know i had already made blogs on topics like procrastination , laziness, discipline etc . In our today's blog I would like to draw your attention towards what exactly mental health is? , Escapism, Depression , Mindfulness, Anxiety , Gratitude and How delayed gratification and instant gratification affect your mental health. 

What exactly mental health is?

Procrastination, A poor diet , Lack of motivation, Lack of discipline are symptoms of poor mental health. 

Mental health refers to a person's overall emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It encompasses a range of factors such as how individuals feel, think, and behave, and their ability to cope with life's challenges. Good mental health allows people to function effectively in their daily lives, form healthy relationships, and contribute positively to their communities.

By overcoming symptoms of poor mental health we can have good mental health.


Escapism means the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant reulities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.
Escapist person avoids reality by becoming absorbed in entertainment or fantasy. Escapism is the opposite of mindfulness. For some people it is very hard to accept harsh reality therefore due to their poor mental health, they engage in fantasy. We must live in present and be more mindful.


Depression isn't sadness it's more emptiness nihilism like there's no meaning or purpose to your life. There is one suicide death in the US every 10.9 minutes due to depression.

In my opinion, one should not believe in depression if you don't believe in it you won't get it. For example if you are in a dark room and you don't believe in ghosts,you would not be scared, For you it is just a swing of air but for those who believe in ghosts the scenario is completly different. that swing of air can be so scary for them. 

So if you don't believe in depression, you won't get it.

Instant gratification

It comes from the activities that we do that feel good right now but they kind of make our life worse in the long run.
playing video games, mindless scrolling on social media etc are the examples of instant gratification. It feels good right now but it destroys our mental health in future.

•  Delayed gratification 

It comes from the activities that we do that do not feel good right now but beneficial in long run. Exercising , reading books etc are the examples of delayed gratification. It doesn't feel good right now but it converts poor mental health into good and healthy mental health.


A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

Anxiety can lead to panicking fear aggressiveness and it even has very negative effects on your physical health when you're anxious and hyper vigilant what's actually happening on a physiological level is that you're entering the fight or flight mode .

Fight or Flight mode 
The instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation, which readies one either to resist forcibly or to run away.

why do we get anxious? And How to cure  anxiety?

Just like depression we should be grateful for anxiety.

First of all we have to understand "anxiety is just our body's survival mechanism trying to protect us." Anxiety isn't the enemy it's trying to protect you.

I believe the single greatest tool that the practice that you can implement is 'Mindfulness'

• Mindfulness 

The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something .
If you cannot control your own mind, Then you are just a feather in the wind of life because your own mind is the only thing you can control . You can't control the weather, you can't control other people , you can't even control whether your heart stops beating. You can't control anything besides what you think.

Why we are mindless and not in present?
One of the main reasons of this question is attention span. Too much data you're seeing every 0.5 seconds . If you are still reading this blog your attention span is good . You have to take a big step back from the entertaining kind of content.

Increase your Mindfulness 
By meditation it's a four step framework.

So we actually want to go through these four steps as fast as often as possible what that means is that when you try to meditate and lose focus it's actually a good thing this is why so many people struggle with meditation they try it and then they don't enjoy it but what they don't realize is that 

" Everytime you lose your focus that's actually an opportunity to simply just bring your focus back to the present moment."


Gratitude is more like a trait a skill it's the skills of counting your blessings so you know gratitude is like the scientific version of happiness because happiness as you may know it it's kind of a wishy-washy emotion.
You don't really know when you'd get happy sometimes you're happy for no reason.

"Gratitude is when you stop and you force your brain to think positive thoughts."

• Other things
Challenge yourself 
When we set challenges for ourselves we enter what's called a flow state.

Flow state 
Mental state in which a person is completely focused on a single task or activity.

Physical health 
Don't eat junk food , eat healthy, do exercise , take proper sleep and take morning sunlight.

social connections

Meet new people, start going outside and make friends. 

I hope you got something from this blog ,  
Keep growing and keep smiling see you guys in next one .

Jariya Armaan

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