Hard Work VS Smart Work

Do you roll up your sleeves and dive into hard work, or do you take a mastermind strategic shortcut with smart work? It's a common thing that we all face at some point in our lives. So, let's break it down into relatable questions to understand the essence of hard work versus smart work.

What's better?

When you have a clear goal and you decide to kick off all the distractions and work hard to get the desired result is hard work. a person 'A' works so hard and gets $1000 a month and person 'B' works so hard and gets $1000 in a day. Who is better? Person B right? You can't eliminate the hard work factor even if you do smart work. If you tell a person 'A' a secret that helps him to earn $1000 a day then it doesn't mean that he will not work hard the whole month. Now he should be earning $30k in a month. 

Armaan, what do you think about hard work and smart work?

A person will get whatever he wants if he actually wants. If you actually try your best and work hard you will get what you want. A person who works hard will always defeat the person who works smart. 

Finding shortcuts is smart work. But remember you can't eliminate the hard work factor. A person who can work smart as well as hard is the person who wins. 

Doing only smart work is a different form of laziness. Working hard brings results and fulfilment

But... Bro, why am I not getting results despite working hard?

I understand your frustration, my friend. We know that even after working so hard we don't get the expected outcomes. But if you actually try your best you will never lose.

Let's take an example here 

One day, I took a rose plant that didn't have any roses yet. Then I started pouring water into it every day and placed it where it could get the sunlight. But the Rose plant was not growing. I even bought some pesticides and chemicals to protect the plant from insects. But some days passed and still I didn't see any roses coming.

I got frustrated and left the rose as it was, At that time I didn't have any hopes that roses would come. I got tired and angry as some days passed and one day  I smashed the rose plant and destroyed it with my bare hands. I threw it as far as I could. 

But after some days I saw something amazing, I saw that roses were coming out of that rose plant. I was shocked and amazed. 

In this story of the Rose plant, after leaving it without hope and smashing it out of frustration, I learned a valuable lesson.

"Never stop working hard, have patience, and have faith in the things you are doing."

Conclusion :

The debate between hard work and smart work is not about choosing one over the other, but rather combining both for success. Working hard is essential, but incorporating strategic thinking and efficiency is equally crucial. While shortcuts exist, they don't replace the need for diligence. 

The story of the rose plant illustrates that patience and faith in one's efforts are vital. The key is a harmonious blend of hard work and smart work, ensuring consistent effort, adaptability, and perseverance. Success is a journey that requires both the sweat of hard work and the cleverness of strategic approaches.

Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 






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