Attachment Brings Misery

We are human beings and humans are social animals, In modern times there is hardly any man who is not attached to anything, everyone wants something. In this blog, I will tell how this attachment brings misery to your life.

Having being little detached from everything brings less misery. When we love something we get attracted to and attached to it then when it is taken away from us it is painful to live without that thing. Here we have to understand the ultimate truth of life - We came alone and will go alone. 

We came alone in this world and we will die alone, any physical or intangible things will not come with us to heaven. That's why it becomes necessary to have little detachment from everything. 

Why little detachment?

Complete detachment from everything means death/enlightenment. We all have some purpose or goals in life and we are attracted/attached to it. If you are completely detached from everything then "YOU" vanishes. Then it is the path of enlightenment. Many people do not want to live a simple life like that. We all want to live with our family and friends, We all want money to sustain our lives, and We all want a good standard of living. That's why little detachment is necessary.

Little detached from everything doesn't
mean that you have less confidence in the things you are attached to. 
Detaching from some things makes you realize its true value, it gives you a reason why you're working on it in the first place.

Humans are mostly attached to the following:  

Attachment Towards  Things  :

People own things and they get attached to some things over time. It is important to know which things have made us attached to them. Detaching from the things that hinder us from becoming our best version is the best move on the chessboard of life.

For example, people can't live without their smartphones. 

Attachment Towards Past

Many people are deeply attached to their miserable past, and don't take action to make their future bright. According to me, we should learn from our past and then detach from it and start making efforts in the present to design the future. After some years, you will review your past and say "I'm glad this happened to me".

Attachment Towards Opinion :

Many people even if they are wrong, don't accept the truth, and they are strongly attached to their own opinions. We should detach from our opinions and see the situation from another person's perspective. We should have a strong opinion on everything but that doesn't mean we should act disrespectfully to other people's opinions. We should respect everyone's opinions and if they are wrong we can argue with them respectfully.

Conclusion :

To sum it up, having a bit of detachment in our lives can actually make things better. It doesn't mean we should be completely cold or not care about anything, but rather, it's about not getting too caught up in stuff. Whether it's our phones, our past, or our opinions, being a little less attached helps us see things more clearly. It's like understanding that we came into this world by ourselves and will leave by ourselves. So, while we still want to enjoy life with family and friends, money, and a good lifestyle, not being overly attached can make the ride smoother. It's like picking what really matters and not letting unnecessary stuff bring us down.

Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 



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