The Balloon Blunder - Moral Telling Story

Once upon a time, in a small village, there were two best friends named Abdul and Hamza. They were known for their unbreakable bond and adventurous life.

One sunny day, Abdul and Hamza wanted to try something new and exciting. They decided to build a big balloon that could fly. The problem was, that they didn't know anything about making balloons.

They found some things around the village, like an old bedsheet from Abdul's grandma. With a lot of trying and making mistakes, they made the balloon work. They used a tank to fill it with hot air, and up it went!

Abdul and Hamza got into a basket they made from an old wooden box and some ropes. The balloon floated higher and higher. They waved to the people below, who were surprised to see them up in the sky.

But soon, they realized they had forgotten something important. They didn't know how to control their balloon. It went too high, and the air was thin. They didn't know how to make it go down.

They spent a long, scary night in the balloon, far from their village. It was really cold up there. But when the sun came up, they saw a big lake and decided to land there. They let out some hot air and dribbled into the water. Luckily, they knew how to swim and brought the wet balloon to the shore.

Sitting by the lake, shivering and wet, Abdul and Hamza started laughing. They knew their adventure was silly, but it taught them crucial things about planning, getting ready, and working together.

On their way back to the village, they told everyone about their funny adventure. They admitted that they made mistakes, and everyone laughed with them. People liked how honest they were, and they were happy that Abdul and Hamza came back safely.


The lesson of this funny story is that trying new things is good, but it's also important to plan and get ready. Working together and being able to laugh at your own mistakes can turn even the silliest adventures into lessons that help you in life.

Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 


Armaan jariya

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