Lesson From Gautam Buddha

Once upon a time, a man went to Gautam Buddha and asked "Oh lord, please tell me, what is the worth of human life?" Gautam Buddha smiled gave him a shining stone and said "First go and find the worth of this stone, Go to different shops in the market and tell them that you want to sell this stone but remember don't sell this stone in any case.

The man was puzzled by Buddha's reply but without saying anything he took the stone and went to the market. First, he went to an orange seller and asked him about the worth of the stone, The orange seller took the stone in hand looked at it, and replied "I will give a dozen oranges for this stone" The man took that stone back and went to a vegetable vendor.

And asked him the same question, The vendor also took the stone in hand looked at it, and said "Take a sack of potatoes and leave this shiny stone." The man was still not satisfied with all these answers. So he kept going on Next, he went to a goldsmith and showed him the stone. The goldsmith was amazed by the shine of the stone and said " Sell me this stone for one lakh gold coins" The man was surprised to hear this offer but he refused this offer. The goldsmith then got ready to pay him 5 lakh gold coins The man said "My teacher has told me not to sell this stone to anyone." 

Finally, the man went to a diamond merchant and showed him the stone, When the diamond merchant saw this beautiful and shining stone he could not believe his eyes he was mesmerized by the beauty of the stone The diamond merchant first laid down a red velvet cloth and then placed that stone on it and bowed before it then he asked the man "Where did you find this precious stone?" then he said even after selling the whole world we can't estimate the worth of this ruby stone this is price less and invaluable. 

The man was puzzled by the variety of experiences he just had with different people and went straight back to Lord Buddha then he narrated his story to Buddha and asked him"Lord, please now tell me what is the worth of human life?"

Buddha smiled and replied "You see my friend the orange seller quoted a dozen oranges for this stone, The Vegetable vendor said one sack of potatoes goldsmith valued the stone at five lakh gold coins, and finally the diamond merchant said that this stone was invaluable.

The same is true for human life in fact, you are a gem but people around you will value you according to their status, knowledge, and capacity Do not worry as this world will also identify and find your true value one day.


 If we see this in our lives then we will find that often people do not know their worth and that's why they settle for far less than they deserve The value of life depends on where you place yourself people will understand your value as much as you will value yourself if you underestimate your worth then you will get less from this world and if you feel yourself worthy then you will get more out of this world most of people just allow anyone to evaluate their worth.

But people who know their true value will just refuse to accept the opinions of others They refuse to be defined by anyone because they know that their value is set by themselves, not someone else's opinion of what they are worth therefore, don't let people put a price on you and you set your price.

Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 

Armaan Jariya 

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