Stoicism Vs Law of Attraction

Stoicism is a school of philosophy that originated in ancient Greece and was founded by Zeno of Citium. It teaches that individuals should focus on what is within their control and accept what is not, as external events are ultimately determined by a cosmic force and cannot be changed by human action. 

The goal of a Stoic is to live a life of virtue, reason, and tranquility. Stoics believe that emotions like fear and anger are the result of incorrect beliefs and can be overcome by embracing wisdom and understanding the natural order of the universe.

 The Stoic philosophy has been influential throughout history and has inspired many thinkers and leaders, including the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. Today, Stoicism continues to be a popular philosophy, with many people finding its teachings relevant to modern life.

The Law of Attraction is a concept that suggests that positive or negative thoughts can attract corresponding experiences and outcomes in one's life. The idea is that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on shaping our reality, and by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings, individuals can attract positive experiences and outcomes. 

The Law of Attraction is often associated with the New Thought movement and has been popularized in books, workshops, and seminars. However, it is important to note that while positive thinking and visualization can be helpful, they should not be relied upon as a sole means of accomplishing one's goals. Instead, practical action and hard work are also necessary parts of success. 

Additionally, some scientific studies have found limited evidence to support the claims of the Law of Attraction, so its efficacy remains a topic of debate among experts.

Difference between Stoicism and Law of Attraction 

These two mindsets are completely opposite.

Stoicism accepts the moment and doesn't desire for pleasure or ease of pain where as law of attraction constantly has you manifesting things that would give you more status and pleasure.

Let's talk about negative verse positive thinking.

Stoicism seems quite negative . They do a lot of negative thinking 
For example ; they've got something called last time meditation. Where you take some time to think that anything you're doing it could be literally the  last time you do it. 

This could be the last time I ever make a blog, this quite negative but a practice like last time meditation actually has some positive benefits because it makes you more grateful, so if imagine that this could be the last time I ever make this blog , I suddenly become more mindful . If my blog website get deleted this is the last time I can make this and I can send my message out thank you for tuning in I hope that I've sent some value out to some young guys. 

So Stoicism is like negative thinking but in a positive way.

Where as , Law of Attraction is completely opposite. It has more positive thinking it gets you to constantly believe that you already have or will get whatever you want in life this is called manifestation.

In short, living a life like you've already made it actually makes sense you give off energy to the universe and the universe will just push more of the similar stuff back to you . 

I hope you got something from this blog, keep growing and keep smiling .

Jariya Armaan

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