Story Of Falcon

Once upon a time, a farmer found the egg of a bird in his field, He took it to his farm and put it with the hen's egg, The hen started incubating that egg with its other eggs , in few days chicks came out of the hen's eggs and falcon baby came out of that egg, Falcon baby started growing up with other chicks it would eat, drink and play with chicks jumping here and there while living with chicks he never realized that he was not chick but a falcon.

He lived like a chick happily when it was time to learn to fly it would fly to small heights just like other chicks and then come back to the ground it wanted to fly high but seeing the other chicks flying a little high, he would also fly only a little high and then come back to the ground.

He would imitate them and never tried to fly higher than that. One day a falcon was flying above that farm in the sky, when the falcon baby saw it he asked his mother hen, "Mother who is that bird which is flying so high?" 

The mother hen replied, "My child he is a falcon the king of birds" he flies at a very high altitude, no other bird can match him in flying high. Baby Falcon said, "Mother if I want to fly like him too, can I fly?" Mother Hen smiled and said, "What are you saying, my child?" you are a chick even if you try you won't be able to fly as much high as a falcon so don't waste your time thinking about it. 

It would be all in vain just be happy with flying, you have learned till now the falcon baby accepted this advice and never tried to fly high, despite being a falcon he lived like a chicken for the rest of his life.

if we look at our lives, we will find that thoughts and attitudes have a profound effect on our lives we are all full of potential and possibilities, no matter what situation we are in, we need to recognize our potential and broaden our thinking and perspective, there will be many people around you, who will stop you from moving forward in your life. if you start listening to them then your condition will also become like that baby falcon who always considers himself to be a chicken and could never fly to the heights of the sky.

If you consider yourself to be a chicken then you will be like a chick and if you consider yourself to be a falcon then you will be like a falcon therefore stop listening to people's advice, and don't underestimate yourself, don't limit your potential 


Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 

Armaan Jariya 


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