
-> In our everyday lives, time is a practical concept used to organize and coordinate activities. It is continuously flowing like river. As spoken words cannot be taken back similarly time can be Spent but can't be taken back or we cannot vist our past and rectify our mistakes. Once the time is gone, we cannot bring it back, only thing we can do is to manage and spend it wisely and carefully in future.

 • Importance of Time :

-> In my Opinion , Time is undoubtedly the most important thing in human life. Humans as well as animals are mortal, they get sick and die. Human life is limited, In modern days it is difficult for a human to live more than 100 years on Earth. Limited time of human on Earth makes the time more important and valuable. 

-> Time is divided into several units such as seconds , minutes, hours , days, months and years to measure occurrence of events in sequence. 

-> Time is precious and irreplaceable resource that impacts almost every aspect of our lives . Recognizing it's importance allows us to make informed decisions , Achieve our goals, and lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Feeling  of regret after wasting time :

-> Feeling regret after wasting time is common human experience . It is natural to feel disappointed or frustrated when you believe you could have used your time more productively or purposefully.

-> This feeling may have direct connection with procrastination.
Search my blog on procrastination in search bar and eliminate it.

There is no good or bad time :

-> Time itself doesn't have a character of being good or bad . Whether something is good or bad depends on what happens during time. Time is a blank canvas , and events paint it with different colors.

-> Never blame time for your mistakes instead learn from mistakes and become the best version of yourself.

Why time is slow when we do boring things and fast when interesting ?

->  The perception of time being slow or fast is subjective and influenced by our state of mind and engagement in an activity.

-> When we are doing something boring or uninteresting, our minds may not be fully engaged, and we may find ourselves constantly checking the clock or feeling impatient. This makes time seem to drag on because we are more aware of its passing.

-> On the other hand, when we are doing something enjoyable or interesting, our minds are occupied and fully engaged in the activity. We become less conscious of time passing, and it seems to fly by because we are having fun or being mentally stimulated.

-> In essence, our perception of time is influenced by our level of attention and interest in what we are doing. When we are engaged, time appears to pass quickly, and when we are disengaged or bored, time feels slower.

Power of time :

-> When someone consistently works towards their objectives, even if progress appears slow at first, the accumulation of effort over time can lead to substantial results. This is often referred to as the compound effect or the snowball effect. Small, consistent actions build upon each other, creating a compounding effect that eventually produces noticeable outcomes.

->In conclusion, time is a precious and finite resource that shapes our lives. It cannot be taken back or altered, but we can learn from its passage and use it wisely. Recognizing the importance of time empowers us to make informed decisions, achieve our goals, and lead purposeful lives. Regret for wasted time often stems from procrastination, a habit we can overcome with self-awareness and determination. Time itself is neutral, and its perception as fast or slow depends on our engagement in activities. By harnessing the power of time through consistent efforts, we can create significant and meaningful results in our journey of personal growth and achievement.

 -> Let's meet again in the next blog, where we'll delve into new topics, explore fresh perspectives, and continue this journey of discovery together. Until then, take care, follow your dreams, and embrace the beauty of time's flow. See you soon! 

Jariya Armaan

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