Breaking the Chains : Conquering Depression, Loneliness and Mental health Issues

As we know mental health problems in today's youth is increasing day by day , our youth is suffering from various mental health problems therefore I decided to pick the top problems and give solutions to eradicate this mental health problems so my brothers and sisters who are suffering from these problems can also live their life with happiness and prosperity.

Depression isn't sadness 

Depression isn't sadness it's more emptiness nihilism like there's no meaning or purpose to your life. There is one suicide death in the US every 10.9 minutes due to depression.

In my opinion, one should not believe in depression if you don't believe in it you won't get it. For example if you are in a dark room and you don't believe in ghosts,you would not be scared, For you it is just a swing of air but for those who believe in ghosts the scenario is completly different. that swing of air can be so scary for them. 

So if you don't believe in depression, you won't get it.

Depression is a sign that you are lacking something in life. The more you feel purposeless , the more chances of you being depressed . 

"Discipline cures depression"

Do the hardwork especially when you don't feel like doing it . 

It is impossible to lose memory 

This is the stroy of a woman who gained his memory back with the power of her subconscious mind .

A woman, aged seventy five , was in the habit of saying to herself , " I am losing my memory ." She reversed the procedure and practiced induced auto suggestion several times a day as follows : " My memory from today on is improving in every department . I shall always remember whatever I need to know at every moment of time and point of space. The impressions received will be clearer and more definite. I shall retain them automatically and with ease. Whatever I wish to recall will immediately present itself in the correct form in my mind. I am improving rapidly every day , and very soon my memory will be better than it has ever been before ." At the end of three weeks, her memory was back to normal and she was delighted.
[Paragraph is taken from the book power of your subconscious mind by Dr Joseph Murphy.]

You can also gain your memory back now !


It is very understanding to know what exactly loneliness is .
"The unpleasant experience that occurrs when a person's network of social relationships is deficient in some important way. Either quantitatively or qualitatively."

Loneliness is like the feeling of being hungry or thirsty if we don't eat enough , our body gives us signal that we should eat more. Similarly loneliness is a signal from our body that we should establish better relationships .

Dr. Vivek Murthy showed the impact of loneliness :

"It poses health risks as deadly as smoking up to 15 cigarettes daily"

It increases cortisol levels in our bodies , which is a stress hormone.

How to solve this problem?

-> Connect with others - reach out to friends , family or acquaintances and try to engage in social activities . Attend social events where you can meet new people who share your interests.

-> Practice Meditation and Self Care - Take care of your physical and mental well being . Engage in regular exercise , maintain balanced diet , and ensure you're getting enough sleep . Engaging in activities that promote self care and self reflection , such as meditation or journaling, can also help alleviate feelings of loneliness.

Note : if you want to learn correct way of meditating then contact me I will teach it to you.

How to Find Your Interest In Life And How To Get Control Over Your Emotions ?

Finding your interests in life can be a journey of self-discovery. Explore different activities, hobbies, and subjects that excite you. Pay attention to what energizes and engages you. Reflect on your values, strengths, and passions. Listen to your intuition and follow the path that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. 

Set Goals - Setting goals is a best way to keep yourself busy . Be busy all the time so sadness can't catch you !

Control your emotions - 

Only thing you can control is your brain , you can control how you act . Watch your thoughts it becomes your actions . You will be happy forever if you know how to control your emotions.

Lao Tzu said :

"Watch your thoughts , they become your words , they become your actions , they become your habits , they become your character . Watch your character , it becomes your destiny."

I hope I had provided helpful explanations, I appreciate your engaged presence , be the best version of yourself and get rid off this mental health problems by following above solutions.

Thank you so much for reading and see you in next blog !

Thanks ,
Armaan Jariya 

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