The Multiplicity of Gods and Scriptures in Different Faiths

The concept of one God and the existence of multiple religions can be a complex and nuanced topic, but it can be explained in simple terms. Many people believe in the existence of a higher power, which they refer to as God. However, different religions have varying beliefs about the nature of God and how to worship and connect with this higher power.

For example, some religions believe in monotheism, the concept of one God, while others believe in polytheism, the belief in multiple gods. Additionally, different religions have different religious texts, rituals, and practices that are unique to their faith.

It is important to understand and respect these differences, as they are an integral part of people's individual beliefs and cultures. At the same time, it is also important to recognize that despite these differences, there are often shared values and principles across religions, such as kindness, compassion, and respect for others.

-> let's understand why there are so many gods, so many scriptures and so much difference.

When a devotee asked Sri Ramkrishna that if all religions are essentially same, why there are so many gods, so many scriptures and so much difference?

Sri Ramkrishna, without a moment of hesitation, replied, " When you were young, it was difficult for your mother to keep you hydrated by water as you did not liked to drink it. Thus, your mother made lemonade or any other tasty juice to let your body get water.

 In the same way, all the religions are but variety of juices and drinks whose essential ingredient is water. As people in the beginning stages of spirituality do not like to drink pure and formless religion, there are diversed choices of tastes in the form of these gods and goddess and magical stories. It is just to make you attracted to it. In Reality, spirituality is completely formless and odorless, pure and prestine. I myself have tried every religion and have settled on the same conclusion - Liberation. "

Liberation can be understood as a state of being in which one is free from any form of bondage or suffering, and able to live a life that is characterized by peace, joy and fulfillment.

-> How to worship and connect with this higher power? 

Let me answer this question with a simple story of Swami Vivekananda.

When Swami Vivekanand was young, maybe a child of 10 years, he went to a local fair with just 2 rupees to spend. Instead of spending the rupees in tasty sweets or merry-giving-rides, he bought a statue of Lord Shiva with the 2 rupees. He loved how Lord Shiva sat in meditation in that statue.

Now, when he was passing by, he saw a boy of age 3 or 4 playing at the middle of the main road. He was busy in his play when suddenly a carriage of bullock was coming towards him. The bullock was coming towards him so swiftly that none had time to react. The little Vivekanand saw all this and not taking a second of time, threw the Shiva Statue from his hands and pushed the child away from that carriage.

The child was saved and the Shiva Statue lied on the ground broken into pieces.

We had seen earlier that how Vivekanand loved the statue. Still he threw it to save a living life.

He worshiped by serving others, and didn't use any statues or objects to pray. One time, he quickly threw away a statue that a follower was using to focus on, because he believed that God is alive and doesn't need an object to be worshiped.

Thank you for reading! I hope I was able to provide helpful explanations.
See you guys in next blog. 

Jariya Armaan

1 comment:

  1. Insightful,
    expecting more topics on the ways of attaining liberation as well as communicating with superior beings, also about the different realms of spiritual beings & it's types...


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